Are you sharing your power? If you’re wondering what power we’re talking about, here’s a hint … it’s running through your veins. It’s your blood! You can’t survive without it, yet chances are you know very little about this life force that is responsible for keeping you alive. Get ready to go on a journey of your blood and learn why you need to share your power with the world.
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Zainab‘s Story: The Worldwide Search For Rare Blood
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Monday Nov 01, 2021
Is it possible to be born with blood that is so rare, that virtually nobody else in the world has it? The answer is, yes! Now imagine that person needs a blood transfusion and the blood they need to receive can only come from a donor who has the same rare blood. It’s a situation that actually happened to a little girl named Zainab. Her story ignited a global call to action by tens of thousands of people who wanted to find out if their blood would be a match for her. In this episode of the Share Your Power Podcast, we reveal what makes Zainab’s blood so rare, and the worldwide effort that took place to find very specific blood donors to save her life.